Congratulations on joining Summit Community Gardens! Welcome to our community. This welcome packet contains important information about how the garden operates, and how you can get involved to make the garden run smoothly and efficiently. Community gardening requires work beyond tending to your plot, every gardener is asked to participate to the best of his or her ability in the management and upkeep garden.

Join us to learn all about starting seeds indoors to transplant in your garden once it warms us and the danger of frost is behind us. Andrea Morgan, our garden advisor, will walk us through the entire process and share tips and tricks she has learned over the years.
*Materials will be provided. We will have some seeds to share and feel free to bring your seeds!
Wednesday, April 9th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. This class will be held indoors at a TBD location. $35
Click the picture to learn more and register today!
Monday, April 21st 3:30 - 5:30pm
After School in the Garden is for rising 1st-6th graders who enjoy the outdoors, like to get dirty, and want to explore food from seed to plate!
Registration opens March 1st. Sign up here to be notified when registration opens. Sign up for a single drop-in, one class a week or a drop-in package!
If you're interested in scholarship opportunities, sponsoring a child for After School in the Garden, or signing up for “All the Days!", please get in touch with Erica Snyder at
Join us for a sustainability workshop on April 23rd at 4:00 pm. in partnership with Recycle Utah. We will be answering questions and providing tips on how to start your own compost, what you can and cannot recycle, and how to reduce plastic in your life.
Discover how to positively impact the planet with expert advice on recycling, composting, reducing food waste, reducing plastic use, and growing your own food. Celebrate Earth Day by learning simple, actionable practices for living more sustainably.
This free community event is open to everyone—don’t miss it! We look forward to seeing you there. Join us at the Park City Library (1255 Park Ave, Park City, UT 84060) in the Community Room.
Thursday, May 29th 6:00 - 8:00pm
Join us for Dinner in the Garden. More information coming soon.
June 9th - 13th, 9:00 - 3:00 pm
Rising 1st graders through 6th graders
Our “Thyme Travelers” camp is an opportunity to learn about all things culinary arts and science. Each day holds opportunities for art, physical activity, gardening, and cooking. In the Garden, we will care for our beds, plus harvest, prepare and cook food. Typical early crops include: herbs, greens, and radishes. Each day, campers will learn about team building, sportsmanship, recipe creation, preparation, and execution. We will explore cuisine from various countries around the world as we use local foods to prepare.
Registration opens Feb 1st for members and Mar 1st for everyone. Become a member today!
¡Nuestro campamento “Thyme Travelers” es una oportunidad para aprender todo sobre la comida en nuestro jardín y en todo el mundo! Exploramos hierbas, productos y recetas de diferentes lugares, utilizando ingredientes locales para crear deliciosos refrigerios. Cada día ofrece oportunidades para el arte, la actividad física, la jardinería y la cocina. En el Jardín, cuidaremos nuestras camas, incluida la cosecha de cultivos tempranos y hierbas. Los campistas participarán diariamente en la formación de equipos, el espíritu deportivo, la creación de recetas, la preparación de alimentos y la cocina.
Thursday, June 12th 6:00 - 8:00pm
Join us for Dinner in the Garden. More information coming soon.
June 16th - 20th, 9:00 - 12:00 pm
Age 3 - rising 1st graders
Our “Arts in the Garden” week explores our natural world as art. Each day will hold opportunities for art, physical activity and gardening. We will forage and gather items to create art pieces such as nature mandalas, self-portraits and landscapes. We will explore painting floral still life with our Garden backdrop. We will incorporate art as movement, through dance; art as music, with new instruments incorporated in the garden space; and food as edible art, preparing food from the garden. We will tend our rainbow garden and plant vegetables in the Children’s Garden planters. Each day campers will learn about art as an expression of creativity and imagination.
Registration opens Feb 1st for members and Mar 1st for everyone. Become a member today!
Nuestro campamento “Artes en el Jardín” explora el mundo natural a través de una lente artística. Cada día habrá oportunidades para el arte, la actividad física y la jardinería. Buscaremos y recolectamos elementos para crear obras de arte como mandalas de la naturaleza, autorretratos y paisajes. Pintaremos obras maestras de bodegones florales, con nuestro Jardín como telón de fondo. Incorporamos el arte como movimiento: a través de la danza; el arte como música, con instrumentos musicales en nuestro espacio de jardín; y la comida como arte comestible, preparando alimentos de la huerta. Cuidaremos los parterres de nuestro jardín, plantaremos hortalizas y otras delicias. Cada día los campistas tendrán la oportunidad de aprender sobre el arte como expresión de creatividad e imaginación.
June 16th - 20th, 9:00 - 3:00 pm
Rising 1st graders through 6th graders
Our “Arts in the Garden” week explores our natural world as art. Each day will hold opportunities for art, physical activity and gardening. We will forage and gather items to create art pieces such as nature mandalas, self-portraits and landscapes. We will explore painting floral still life with our Garden backdrop. We will incorporate art as movement, through dance; art as music, with new instruments incorporated in the garden space; and food as edible art, preparing food from the garden. We will tend our rainbow garden and plant vegetables in the Children’s Garden planters. Each day campers will learn about art as an expression of creativity and imagination.
Registration opens Feb 1st for members and Mar 1st for everyone. Become a member today!
Nuestro campamento “Artes en el Jardín” explora el mundo natural a través de una lente artística. Cada día habrá oportunidades para el arte, la actividad física y la jardinería. Buscaremos y recolectamos elementos para crear obras de arte como mandalas de la naturaleza, autorretratos y paisajes. Pintaremos obras maestras de bodegones florales, con nuestro Jardín como telón de fondo. Incorporamos el arte como movimiento: a través de la danza; el arte como música, con instrumentos musicales en nuestro espacio de jardín; y la comida como arte comestible, preparando alimentos de la huerta. Cuidaremos los parterres de nuestro jardín, plantaremos hortalizas y otras delicias. Cada día los campistas tendrán la oportunidad de aprender sobre el arte como expresión de creatividad e imaginación.
June 23rd - 27th, 9:00 - 3:00 pm
Rising 3rd graders through 6th graders
During our “Cycle the Cycles” camp we will delve into all things cycles and sustainability – while riding bicycles around our community! Campers will learn about life cycles in the Garden. We’ll follow our fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs, from seeds to harvest to cooking, coming full circle with the compost cycle. We will experience the water cycle firsthand by visiting a water treatment plant. The carbon cycle will be an exploration of soil/compost; and the energy cycle, while visiting Recycle Utah to explore the great ways they help our community reduce waste. Campers will gain a deeper understanding of reduce/reuse/ recycle. We will create art using natural foraged materials, recyclables, and art materials. Each day holds opportunities for art, games, physical activity, and gardening. This is a Recycle Utah partner camp with Recycle Utah educators. Campers must be independent bike riders; rising 3rd through rising 6th graders only, please.
Registration opens Feb 1st for members and Mar 1st for everyone. Become a member today!
Durante nuestro campamento “Cycle the Cycles”, aprenderemos sobre todo lo relacionado con las ciclos y la sostenibilidad, ¡mientras andamos en bicicleta por nuestra comunidad! Los campistas aprenderán sobre los ciclos de vida en el Jardín. Seguiremos nuestras frutas, verduras, flores y hierbas, desde las semillas hasta la cosecha y la cocción, cerrando el círculo con el ciclo del abono. Experimentamos el ciclo del agua de primera mano visitando una planta potabilizadora de agua. El ciclo del carbono será una exploración del suelo/compost; y el ciclo energético, mientras visita Recycle Utah para explorar las excelentes formas en que ayudan a nuestra comunidad a reducir los desechos. Los campistas obtendrán una comprensión más profunda de reducir/reutilizar/reciclar. Crearemos arte utilizando materiales naturales, reciclables y materiales artísticos. Cada día ofrece oportunidades para el arte, los juegos, la actividad física y la jardinería. Este es un campamento asociado de Recycle Utah con educadores de Recycle Utah. Los campistas deben ser ciclistas independientes; Solo estudiantes de 3.º a 6.º grado, por favor.