Pre-K Garden Wonders & Legends

Campers - PreK Adorable Girl watering Pink Flowers.jpg
Campers - PreK Adorable Girl watering Pink Flowers.jpg
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Pre-K Garden Wonders & Legends


June 30th - July 3rd, 9:00 - 12:00 pm THIS IS A 4 DAY CAMP
Age 3 - rising 1st graders

This camp is currently sold out. If you are still interested, sign up for the waitlist.

Garden Wonders and Legends” camp is an opportunity for campers to use their imaginations and the Garden as inspiration as we create stories and art.  We will understand the history of gardening in the U.S.A., such as Victory Gardens and how gardening became seen as a form of patriotism. We will spend our time planting in our own Victory garden bed and cooking in our outdoor kitchen. In addition, we will be tending to Garden beds, harvesting and creating recipes while preparing food from the garden. Campers will also learn about herbs and mindfulness, and the metaphorical connections between plant nature and human nature. We will spend time in our Imagination Area, tending our beds and completing our geometric build out. Each day will hold opportunities for art, physical activity and gardening.

El campamento “Garden Wonders and Legends” es la oportunidad perfecta para que los campistas usen su imaginación y el Jardín como inspiración mientras creamos historias y arte. ¡Mitos, leyendas y cuentos de hadas cobrarán vida! Los campistas comprenderán la historia de la jardinería en los EE. UU., como Victory Gardens, y cómo la jardinería se convirtió en una forma de patriotismo. Pasaremos nuestro tiempo plantando nuestro propio jardín Victory y cocinando. Los campistas cuidarán nuestros huertos, cosecharán y crearán recetas mientras preparan alimentos frescos. Los campistas también aprenderán sobre las hierbas y la atención plena, las conexiones metafóricas entre la naturaleza vegetal y la naturaleza humana. Cada día habrá oportunidades para el arte, la actividad física y la jardinería.

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